Military Pilot - UK Bases (S26)

Military Pilot - UK Bases (S26)
TUI are a pioneering global travel and leisure experience company, and we are now recruiting B737 First/ Second Officers to join TUI Airways at one of our many UK bases.
As a B737 First / Second Officer within our Flight Operations department, you will provide a safe and enjoyable in-flight experience for all our customers. It is an important part of our culture that we all contribute to ensuring our customers’ expectations are not only met but exceeded. We see the journey as part of our customer’s holiday, and we expect our pilots to embrace the customer focused culture and go the extra smile to ensure our service is the envy of our competitors.
This is a fantastic opportunity to join TUI and benefit from a lifestyle contract that reflects the seasonality of our business. In addition to an excellent salary, you will enjoy working full time in the summer season and part-time in the winter season, with the benefit of bidding for your time off to suit your lifestyle. Furthermore, there are no up-front training costs although a period of bonding will apply.
Our pilots also benefit from a great pension scheme, private medical insurance, a generous leave allowance, an industry leading income protection scheme and a host of other benefits. In addition, we have recently negotiated a significant pay award for our Pilot community.
In this role you will report to a Pilot Manager who will support you through your career with us, offering unrivalled welfare support when you need it.
- Excellent salary with no training deductions but will be bonded
- Full time working in the summer and part time in the winter with a total of 13 weeks off across the period
- Ability to bid for some of the Wintertime off
- Base confirmed at the point of offer
- Pension scheme with employer contributions of up to 10%
- Life assurance cover
- Loss of licence cover
- Private medical insurance
- Family Friendly Policies including an enhanced pay scheme for Maternity, Adoption and Partner Leave
- Holiday offers and rates on late notice flights, accommodation, and cruises
- As First/Second Officer:
- You will be based in one of our 12 UK bases.
- You’ll operate the B737 to a variety of destinations on our route network including Europe, North Africa and when more experienced some challenging airports such as Innsbruck and Funchal.
- Once all relevant training is complete and you’re established in your role, you can apply to support other areas of Flight Operations such as Flight Safety, Recruitment and Training when vacancies arise.
- Safety is our priority: You will receive high quality training in all areas of the operation.
- You’ll demonstrate a desire to deliver a great experience for our customers on every flight as TUI creates the moments that make life richer.
- You will have a proven ability to make the right choice in any given scenario and excellent customer service skill as well as a genuine passion for aviation with a clear understanding of the TUI strategy and values (Trusted, Unique, Inspiring)
- Before training with TUI commences, hold a UK CAA issued ATPL/CPL with ATPL theory credits with current IR
- A current UK CAA issued Class 1 medical
- Previous Military flying experience within the last 2 years (fixed wing or rotary)
- Before training with TUI commences, have completed an MCC course (as per FCL.735.A) or hold an MCC exemption certificate
- Before training with TUI commences, have completed Advanced UPRT (as per FCL.745.A)
- Fluent in English (verbal and written) with ICAO Level 4
- Eligible to live and work indefinitely in the UK without additional approvals (visa sponsorship cannot be given for this role)
- A valid passport which permits unrestricted worldwide travel
- At least 1.58m (5ft 2in) tall
- Able to swim at least 25m
- Before commencing training, complete referencing and pre-employment background checks required for the issue of an airport security ID
- Travelling time from place of residence to home base must not exceed 60 minutes in the UK
Applications may be open for a limited time and will close once we have fulfilled our requirements, so apply as soon as possible.
At TUI, we’re ambitious to become the leader within the travel industry and to achieve this we’re looking to build a capable, creative team who want to be a part of accomplishing that goal. We never stop looking ahead, seeking new ways to delight our customers and grow our business.
Our goal is to truly enhance our operation, our customer – and colleague – experience, and focus on our digitalisation agenda. We’re building a better, stronger, and more efficient airline for the future.
From a workplace to a place to belong. At TUI we embrace diversity, equity and inclusion, encouraging everyone to come as you are, because together, our potential is limitless.*
*We are committed to supporting candidates with disabilities and impairments so if you require any support, please do let us know.
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