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Tech, Digital and Data

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Welcome to our Tech, Digital and Data careers page! Here, we offer exciting opportunities to be part of a dynamic team driving innovation in the travel industry. Whether you're passionate about software development, data, UX/UI design, or cybersecurity, TUI provides a gateway for you to thrive.

Shaping the digital future

Our global organisational structure and 'for:ward' development program pave the way to becoming a digital platform company.

Read more about what we do and how we do it.

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Our tech stack

TUI is influencing and shaping the digital world of travel. To achieve this and to set the pace in an increasingly digital environment, it requires the latest and most innovative “technologies”, tools, systems and working methods.

Our teck stack includes the following: Apache Kafka, Python, Java, NodeJS, Serverless, Docker, Flux, AWS, Go, Kubernetes, GitLab, APIgee, Tableau, SnowFlake, Micro Front End and Modular Web Architecture


Flexible working within the TUI tech team offers me the freedom to manage my time and environment in a way that maximizes productivity, as well as my well-being. It truly re-enforces a work-life balance! Whether it's taking time within working hours for my own learning or choosing to work remotely from a feasible location of choice! This flexibility fosters a culture of trust and autonomy, which allows me to deliver my best work and grow in my career! - Alex Grant, Technology Team Lead 

Check out our TUI Tech Blog

How my team and I avoided flaky tests in TestCafe

Have you ever struggled with flaky tests? Did it ever feel like “mission impossible”? Well, brace yourself: this article will take you through how my team and I drastically reduced test flakiness in TestCafe!

Visit the TUI Tech Blog

Terraform CDK — Deploying a serverless API Gateway to AWS

In this article we will setup an AWS Lambda backed API Gateway, go through the decision making process of our infrastructure as code tool, as well as share some best practices when it comes to IaC..

Visit the TUI Tech Blog

Open API specification to Spring REST microservice

The goal of the article is to show how to use OpenAPI Generator, which is a code generation tool, to create API client libraries, server stubs, documentation and configuration given an OpenAPI specification.

Visit the TUI Tech Blog

Our tech teams

We cover the entire tech spectrum, with dedicated teams for each specialised function.

Agile Evolution

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Automation and Machine Learning

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Data Analytics, Engineering and Science

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Data Solutions Architecture

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Digital Product

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Information Security

Software Development, API and DevOps

Solutions Architecture


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Join the future of innovation

Are you ready to take the next step in your tech career? Whether you're a seasoned developer, a cybersecurity expert, or just starting your journey in IT, our platform connects you with the best opportunities in the tech industry.

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