Operations Team Leader | Permanent
Title: Operations Team Leader
Location: Remote (Sicily, Calabria or Sardinia)
Business Sector: TUI Musement
Function: Operations
Contract Terms: Permanent
Number of positions: 1
Join our global TUI Musement Operations & Delivery Team in Italy as an Operation Team Leader. In this role, you will foster strong relationships with suppliers, tour operators, and colleagues from various departments. You will closely collaborate with your Team Manager to lead and develop your team members. You will be responsible to ensure that our processes align with business requirements, our digital operation model and country-specific needs, while maximizing efficiencies in both resources and operations.
- A collaborative and great team player who leads and inspires their team.
- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, in local language, plus fluency in English. Other European languages would be advantageous.
- Good negotiation skills & diplomacy.
- Great organizational skills and ability work in a fast-paced environment.
- Proven experience in tour operations in at least on of the regions & local knowledge.
- Able to work in a flexible manner (including different shifts Monday-Sunday) & manage.
- Experience of managing a small team would be advantageous.
- Available to travel when necessary to other regions.
- Can solve problems indepently and embrace our digital culture.
- Easily adapts to a variety of changes to ways of working, and quickly learns new skills.
- Lead a team of direct reports (agents) ensuring efficient and effective processes that include constant collaboration and coordination between the team members to solve operational challenges.
- Ensure organization of weekly working schedules and regular one to one meetings with your team.
- Train and mentor new Operations Agents to ensure they are well-prepared for their roles.
- Responsible for developing and maintain strong relationships through excellent communication with the local suppliers for transportation, excursions, guides, restaurant and activities to ensure smooth operation and to support commercial growth.
- Ensure that the team managed all reservations and suppliers receive them on time.
- Monitor that the terms and conditions of excursions meet the quality and operations standards agreed.
- Be an expert in the local systems and oversee timely insertion of data in the system.
- Manage amendments and the communication to the Service Delivery teams and suppliers to guarantee a smooth operation of services while optimizing costs and load factor.
- Solving daily operational incidents to guarantee that our Service Level Agreements are met.
- Responsible for all ad hoc and last-minute suppliers sourcing and rates negotiation (transport, venues)
- Responsible for guides sourcing and planning guides contracts negotiations.
- Assist with the organisation of resort visits to promote the destination both internally & externally.
- Encourage collaboration with all the functions and share best practice.
- Support our digital transformation and general digital expansion plans.
- Responsible to check supplier invoices disputes through the Ecobill system.
We love to see your uniqueness shine through and inspire the future of travel. If you would like to read more about what Diversity & Inclusion means to us simply visit Our DNA.
#TUIJobs #TUIMusement #LetsTUIIt
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